optional required

Accordion Directives
Create & Control Semantic UI Accordions with Angular Directives

The outer directive for an accordion.

Callback Attributes

The inner directive for an accordion which has a title and content.


A lightweight attribute directive which calls accordion() on the element with the settings object passed to the attribute. Using this directive means you need to manage the communication between Angular and Semantic UI yourself.

What is a dog?

A dog is a type of domesticated animal. Known for its loyalty and faithfulness, it can be found as a welcome guest in many households across the world.

What kinds of dogs are there?

There are many breeds of dogs. Each breed varies in size and temperament. Owners often select a breed of dog that they find to be compatible with their own lifestyle and desires from a companion.

Behavior Directives

These attribute directives invoke a behavior on the component where the attribute value can be one of the following formats:


Execute Simple Behavior Execute Advanced Behavior

When a DOM event fires on the element with the directive, it can command accordion(s) to open a specific group by index.

Open First

Group #1 Content Group #2 Content

When a DOM event fires on the element with the directive, it can command accordion(s) to close a specific group by index.

Close Second

Group #1 Content Group #2 Content

When a DOM event fires on the element with the directive, it can command accordion(s) to toggle a specific group by index.

Toggle First

Group #1 Content Group #2 Content
