
{{ model0 }}

A dropdown



{{ model1 }}

A dropdown can be used to select between choices in a form


Search Selection

{{ model2 }}

A selection dropdown can allow a user to search through a large list of choices.


Multiple Selection

{{ model3 }}

A selection dropdown can allow multiple selections


Maximum Selections

Using maxSelections lets you force a maximum number of selections. You can also use form validation rules to specify minimum and maximum validation settings for multi-selects inside forms.

{{ model4 }}

{{ model4b }}
Search Selection


Tagging and User Additions

Using allowAdditions: true gives users the ability to add their own options. This can work with either single or multiple search select dropdowns

{{ model5 }}

{{ model5b }}


Text Labels

{{ model6 }}

Sometimes multiselect include options which are long and would appear awkwardly as labels. Setting useLabels: false will display a selected count, and allow reselection directly from the menu.


Clearing Dropdown

{{ model7b }}
{{ model7 }}

You can reset a form field to its placeholder value.
