Source: lib/FastMap.js

 * A FastMap has the key-to-value benefits of a map and iteration benefits of an
 * array. This is especially beneficial when most of the time the contents of 
 * the structure need to be iterated and order doesn't matter (since removal 
 * performs a swap which breaks insertion order).
 * @constructor
 * @memberOf Stork
 * @param {Stork.FastMap|object} [map]
function FastMap(map)
   * An array of the values in this map.
   * @member {Array}
  this.values = [];

   * An array of the keys in this map.
   * @type {Array}
  this.keys = [];

   * An array of the original keys in this map.
   * @type {Array}
  this.okeys = [];

   * An object of key to index mappings.
   * @type {Object}
  this.indices = {};

  // If another map is given to populate this map, do it!
  this.putMap( map );

FastMap.prototype =

   * Resets the map by initializing the values, keys, and indexes.
   * @return {Stork.FastMap}
  reset: function()
    this.values.length = 0;
    this.keys.length = 0;
    this.okeys.length = 0;
    this.indices = {};

    return this;

   * Puts the value in the map by the given key.
   * @param {String} key
   * @param {V} value
   * @param {K} originalKey
   * @return {Stork.FastMap}
  put: function(key, value, originalKey)
    if ( key in this.indices )
      this.values[ this.indices[ key ] ] = value;
      this.indices[ key ] = this.values.length;
      this.values.push( value );
      this.keys.push( key );
      this.okeys.push( originalKey );

    return this;

   * Puts all keys & values on the given map into this map overwriting any existing values mapped by similar keys.
   * @param {FastMap|Object} map
   * @return {Stork.FastMap}
  putMap: function(map)
    if (map instanceof FastMap)
      var keys = map.keys;
      var values = map.values;
      var okeys = map.okeys;

      for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
        this.put( keys[ i ], values[ i ], okeys[ i ] );
    else if ( isObject( map ) )
      for (var key in map)
        this.put( key, map[ key ], key );

    return this;

   * Returns the value mapped by the given key.
   * @param {String} key
   * @return {V}
  get: function(key)
    return this.values[ this.indices[ key ] ];

   * Removes the value by a given key
   * @param {String} key
   * @return {Stork.FastMap}
  remove: function(key)
    var index = this.indices[ key ];

    if ( isNumber( index ) )
      this.removeAt( index );

    return this;

   * Overwrites this map with another map.
   * @param  {Stork.FastMap} map
   * @return {Stork.FastMap}
  overwrite: function(map)
    replaceArray( this.values, map.values );
    replaceArray( this.keys, map.keys );
    replaceArray( this.okeys, map.okeys );


    return this;

   * Removes the value & key at the given index.
   * @param {Number} index
   * @return {Stork.FastMap}
  removeAt: function(index)
    var key = this.keys[ index ];
    var lastValue = this.values.pop();
    var lastKey = this.keys.pop();
    var lastOkey = this.okeys.pop();

    if ( index < this.values.length )
      this.values[ index ] = lastValue;
      this.keys[ index ] = lastKey;
      this.okeys[ index ] = lastOkey; 
      this.indices[ lastKey ] = index;

    delete this.indices[ key ];

    return this;

   * Returns the index of the value in the array given a key.
   * @param {String} key
   * @return {Number}
  indexOf: function(key)
    return coalesce( this.indices[ key ], -1 );

   * Returns whether this map has a value for the given key.
   * @param {String} key
   * @return {Boolean}
  has: function(key)
    return key in this.indices;

   * Returns whether the given input has overlap with keys in this map.
   * @param {FastMap|Object} map
   * @return {Boolean}
  hasOverlap: function(map)
    var keys = this.keys;
    var indices = map.indices;

    for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++)
      if ( keys[i] in indices )
        return true;
    return false;

   * Returns the number of elements in the map.
   * @return {Number}
  size: function()
    return this.values.length;

   * Reverses the order of the underlying values & keys.
   * @return {Stork.FastMap} -
   *         The referense to this map.
  reverse: function()
    var max = this.size() - 1;
    var half = Math.ceil( max / 2 );

    for (var i = 0; i < half; i++)
      swap( this.values, i, max - i );
      swap( this.keys, i, max - i );
      swap( this.okeys, i, max - i );


    return this;

   * Sorts the underlying values & keys given a value compare function.
   * @param  {function} comparator
   *         A function which accepts two values and returns a number used for
   *         sorting. If the first argument is less than the second argument, a
   *         negative number should be returned. If the arguments are equivalent
   *         then 0 should be returned, otherwise a positive number should be
   *         returned.
   * @return {Stork.FastMap} -
   *         The reference to this map.
  sort: function(comparator)
    var map = this;

    // Sort this partition!
    function partition(left, right)
      var pivot = map.values[ Math.floor((right + left) / 2) ];
      var i = left;
      var j = right;

      while (i <= j) 
        while (comparator( map.values[i], pivot ) < 0) i++
        while (comparator( map.values[j], pivot ) > 0) j--;

        if (i <= j) {
          swap( map.values, i, j );
          swap( map.keys, i, j );
          swap( map.okeys, i, j );

      return i;

    // Quicksort
    function qsort(left, right)
      var index = partition( left, right );

      if (left < index - 1) 
        qsort( left, index - 1 );

      if (index < right) 
        qsort( index, right );

    var right = this.size() - 1;

    // Are there elements to sort?
    if ( right > 0 )
      qsort( 0, right );


    return this;

   * Rebuilds the index based on the keys.
   * @return {Stork.FastMap} -
   *         The reference to this map.
  rebuildIndex: function()
    this.indices = {};

    for (var i = 0, l = this.keys.length; i < l; i++)
      this.indices[ this.keys[ i ] ] = i;

    return this;
