Class: Group

Unitz. Group

new Unitz.Group(mainUnit, baseUnit, baseScale, units, singular, plural, denominators)

Instantiates a new unit group. A unit group is a single unit and all of it's aliases, singular & plural versions, and all valid denominators when converting to a fraction.

Name Type Description
mainUnit String

The main unit for the group. This is typically the most common short version for the unit.

baseUnit String

The unit this group is calculated relative to.

baseScale Number

The value used to calculate between this group and the base group.

units Array.<String>

The aliases for this unit, each are valid ways to represent this group. These MUST be in lowercase form.

singular String

The singular unit (when a |value| is 1) to use.

plural String

The plural unit (when a |value| is not 1) to use.

denominators Array.<Number>

The denominators that are valid for this group. This is used so you don't see odd fractions that don't make sense for the given unit.




The value used to calculate between this group and the base group.


The unit this group is calculated relative to.


The denominators that are valid for this group. This is used so you don't see odd fractions that don't make sense for the given unit.


The plural unit (when a |value| is not 1) to use.


The singular unit (when a |value| is 1) to use.


The main unit for the group. This is typically the most common short version for the unit.


The aliases for this unit, each are valid ways to represent this group. These MUST be in lowercase form.


addUnit(x, abbreviations){String}

Adds the appropriate unit to the given number based on whether its a singular or plural value.

group.addUnit( 1 ); // '1 unit'
group.addUnit( 2 ); // '2 units'
group.addUnit( 0.5 ); // '0.5 units'
Name Type Default Description
x Number

The number to add the appropriate unit to.

abbreviations Boolean true optional

Whether to return the abbrevation instead of the long units.


getUnit(x, abbreviations){String}

Gets the appropriate unit for the given number based on whether its a singular or plural value.

group.getUnit( 1 ); // 'unit'
group.getUnit( 2 ); // 'units'
group.getUnit( 0.5 ); // 'units'
Name Type Default Description
x Number

The number to determine the appropriate unit for.

abbreviations Boolean true optional

Whether to return the abbrevation instead of the long units.
